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Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan
$27.00 USD

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Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan
$27.00 USD

Only $27! 
($197 Value)


As a woman 55+...

Are you tired of the extra weight around your middle?

Do you want more energy?

Are you sick of feeling weighed down and blah?

Would you love to fit into your favorite jeans, tops, and dresses again?



But as a woman 55+, it's NOT just about eating less and moving more. You need the right exercises and a plan to help you get rid of belly fat naturally and for good!

Register Now for Only $27! ($197 Value)

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Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan
$27.00 USD

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Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan
$27.00 USD

Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan:
A Workshop for Women 55+! 


During this 90-minute workshop, you will:


  • Learn the types of workouts and exercises you need as a woman 55+ to get rid of belly fat so you can stop spinning your wheels and feel more energy and more confident in your body!
  • Develop a manageable workout routine that won't leave you exhausted or in the gym for hours and hours a day. 
  • Walk away feeling confident with your plan to naturally get rid of belly fat for good!


  • Receive 3 Day Sample Meal Plan and tips that will ensure you have the right nutrients to bust belly-fat
  • Receive Aubrey's 5 Ingredient Healthy and Delicious Recipe Book
  • Book your 30-minute Private Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan call with Aubrey, where she will personally review your plan with you LIVE after you attend the workshop to ensure you are ready to get started right away, and naturally bust belly-fat for good!
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Your Order

Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan
$27.00 USD

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Design Your Belly-Fat Busting Workout Plan
$27.00 USD

Only $27!

(Value $197)